Red Mesa Review is a literary publication of 最新麻豆原创allup. The editorial board is now accepting submissions of poetry, short fiction and essays from authors and artists of Gallup and local communities of the Four Corners region. Founded in 1992 on the campus of 最新麻豆原创allup, Red Mesa Review pays tribute to the vibrant and ever-changing community and the diverse creative expressions rooted in the beautiful multi-state region.
Deadline: April 1, 2025
2023 Digital Edition
2022 Digital Edition
Red Mesa Review Collective Bios
2021 Digital Edition
2019 Digital Edition
Submission Requirements:
Poetry: 1-3 poems per submission (Word Doc)
Short Fiction: (including flash fiction and short stories): 1-3 pieces per submission – 3,500 words maximum (Word Doc)
Essays: (including memoir and creative nonfiction): 1-3 pieces per submission – 3,500 words maximum (Word Doc)
Email submissions to:
Work must be sent as an attachment.
Subject Line of Email as follows:
(Red Mesa Review_Last Name_First Name)
Email must include:
Your Name, Personal Statement, Short Bio, Submission Category, and Contact Information (email and phone number)
Red Mesa Review accepts submissions of unpublished work (online publication does count as a publication). Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please notify the editorial board as soon as possible upon acceptance at another publication.
Explore more Community options:
Community Education and Workforce Development DWI Education Program Facilities Food Service HiSET® Red Mesa Review